Whether you are a club member or not, you are welcome to add your car to
the galleries, or to update the photo or details shown. All you need to do is e-mail me the
details and/or a photo or two, plus any information you wish to add. I would like to know,
if possible (and if not obvious from the photos):
- The original chassis number. Please just say if it’s a donor or LVLO-allocated chassis
- The manufacturer of the kit and model/mark if not obvious from the chassis number.
- The registration number and country of registration, if the car is registered.
- For cars exported from the UK the UK registration mark, if known, would be appreciated.
- Your name.
- Your country of residence if different from the registration.
- Any special requirements e.g. obscuring the number plate.
All details are optional, but obviously it would be nice to have sufficient information to tie
together the chassis number, photo and owner.
Photographs should be in JPEG format, preferably scaled to not more than 1280 x 1024 pixels,
90dpi. Most other formats can be handled but please ask. I reserve the right to scale, crop,
rescan and adjust images if necessary.
If you are updating the photo or information for a car for which the chassis number and
registration number are unknown to me please state the filename or URL of the page concerned.
Richard Porter, webmaster@minimarcos.org.uk.