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Magazine Contents


March 1988

24 pp

Editorial: MMOC back as an independent entity.
Competition Time: identify this owner of a Mk. 1 Mini Jem - Noel Edmonds with car.
Prolonging the Life of Your Mini Marcos Battery by K.L. Martin B.Sc. (This article is slightly different from the one in Magazine 28.)
Club Financial Statement and back numbers.
Mini Marcos Need Re-painting? 15% discount from Baron technical Products of Watford.
Road Report - Motorway face-lifts (magazine article reprint).
750 Motor Club Racing Championship 1988 - event calendar.
All Bristol and Ship Shape Fashion - Roger Garland reports on the South West Kit and Sportscar Show.
Phoito of DY58.964 (again).
Keep Death Off the Roads and Out of the Garage - Guide to Health and Safety in GRP Fabrication from the Health and Safety Executive.

June 1988

Cover: Mini Marcos drawing.
Postbag: including photo of Gerard Alkema's Mini Marcos UOT 106H, now in Holland; also news of GOW 412X (David Robinson), 6104 (David Watts and Nick Goldfinch).
Sports & Kit Car Show, Stafford: report by Roger & Melanie (Q611 UWP). Also present was 2113 DF (formerly KHI 810V) owned by Derek and Margaret Flattley.
National Kit Car Show, Stoneleigh: report by Liz Jones. Club members take part in the driving skills test and standing quarter mile.
Keeping Water at Bay Part 1 by Roger Garland - flexible guttering helps.
Sliding Sunroof by Stef Jones.
My Mini Marcos - TEE 900J by Nick Crooks.
Mini Jem Door Handles and Hinges by Stef Jones.
Competition Time: how many words can you get out of Kingfisher Sprint.

September 1988

Cover: as issue 30.
Letters: including a photo of the first road-going Mini Marcos, 6002, prior to restoration by Keith Norris. This is the car exhibited at the 1966 Racing Car Show.
Mini (Marcos) Super Profile by Mick Crooks: a photographic session at Bruntingthorpe.
Mini Marcos CSK 888F (6023) by Neil Avery.
10th International Mini Meeting, Solingen, West Germany: report by Melanie Newman and Roger Garland (Q611 UWP).
Any Port In A Storm??? Ake Haglund's engine with Arden 8-port head and fuel injection.
Le Mans 1989 - preparations for the club trip.
Cheshire Kit Car Show: report by Liz Jones with photo (Mini Marcos Q611 UWP, KBA 446V, JHU 1P, SDD 388N, 2113 DF and Mini Jem SNF 146K).
Newark '88: report by Liz Jones. Cars were LEF76H, TEE 900J, KBA 446V, Q611 UWP and two others.
Endangered Species: rules and regulations from the EEC.
In Times of Need: special spanners for awkward places.
Photoquiz answer: no entries, but the mystery Jem owner was Noel Edmonds.
Reprint: a 1981 interview with Noel Edmonds by Peter Filby.
Mini Marcos Spares Price List from Midas Cars.
Competition: wordsearch 88.
Here's The Solution... How to do your own (engine) removals without doing yourself a mischief; How to keep your head (steady) whilst others lose theirs; How hard is hard? (tyre pressures); Putting the shine back on.
Shopping Around: including photo of Daniel Gauntlett's Mini Marcos Mk.IV, WVM 45.

December 1988

Cover: Mini Marcos Mk.IV drawing with Santa.
Letters: including a photo of Ian Davies's Mini Jem, "Mae West" with roof bulges, plus news of Mike Cawley's gullwing car.
Le Mans 1989 - details of the club trip, plus the classic photo of the 1966 car.
Flying Ace by Nick Honiatt including news and photo of Mini Marcos Mk.IV, ACE 649B.
Foresight and Hindsight: Mini Marcos and Jem windscreens available through the club.
Show reports: Marcos Rally, Weston Park; National Component Car Show, Sandown Park (photo shows LJE 944G, ACE 649B and another Mk.IV).
It'll Be Alright Next Race or Honestly, dearest, I really do need a new engine by John Dickens.
Grand Xmas Xword.
Statement of Financial Position by Roger Garland.
All's Not So Quiet on the Western Front: mods to what looks like EKU 647Y including photo of large one-piece bonnet with NACA ducts.
Keeping Water at Bay Part 2 by Roger Garland: door seals and hinges.
Here's The Solution... Fitting a Volvo Heater by Mick Crooks; Shocking Designs - some tips on shock absorber mountings from Geoff King; Boxing Clever - SU air box type SP6294; Brain Surgery - or How to Fit a New Filter Head by Roger Garland.

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