January: Paul Guillon’s Mini Marcos Mk. IV, DH8255. |
February: Mighty Mouse - Mini Marcos Mk.V as featured in
Which Kit Car? May 1992.
The car was apparently prepared for the Japanese market. |
March: Simon Polley’s superbly restored Mini Marcos Mk. III no. 7182 at Brands Hatch. (S. Polley) |
April: Frank Agius’s Mk. I Mini Marcos no. 6100 in Malta in the 1980s.
It was then owned by Christopher Muscat. |
May: Andy and Jonathan Bullock’s Mk.III Minimarcos, 7323 in Stoke-on-Trent. |
June: Joost Van Diën’s Mk.I Mini Marcos, 6140.
Congratulations on being first to get three different Mini Marcoses in COTM! |
| |
July: Paul Lewis’s Mini Marcos Mk.V no. 9004 at the Mini Action Day at Castle Combe circuit
on 25th June 2022 (R. Porter). |
August: Mini Jem Mk.2, RS-M2-1113 now beleived to be in France. |
September: Michael’s Mini Marcos Mk.IV winning the Concours d'Lemons, California 2022.
(LOL) (Posted in Marcos Mini by Amanda Silverstein.) |
October: Jean-Yves Simond’s Mini Marcos Mk.2 number 7024 in France. |
November: Mini Jem Mk. 3, MJ 1972 at the Coupe Florio in France (Audie Murphy) |
December: Paulo Arbazzani’s beautifully restored Mini Marcos Mk. I, no. 6020 |