42-51. Arrival at the Eurotech factory in Venlo. 44. Roger Crommentuyn's Mini Marcos Mk. III (first in Mini Marcos class). 49. Raymond van der Klugt's Mini Marcos Mk. IV and Mike Perkins's Midas. 51. Erik Wijn's Mini Marcos Mk. IV (second in Mini Marcos class). 52-53. In the casting shop. 52. Mike Perkins talks to Eurotech boss Wim Noorman. 53. The mould for the scale model Mantis. 54-63. In the racing shop. 54. Mantaray road car and kit behind. 56-57. Wim Noorman's LM600 race car. 58-62. GTA Mantis race car. 63. Marcos spaceframe. 64. One of the transporters. 65. This should make the Marcos cars feel at home! 66. Maarten Krikken thanks our hosts and supporters. 67. Peter St.David-Jones receives first prize in the Big Marcos class. 68. Klaus Tweddell wins the Marcos Heritage Shield. 69, 70. Roger Garland presents Mini Marcos clocks to Maarten Krikken and Wim Noorman. 71, 72. Peter St.David-Jones's winning Mantula. 73, 74. Marjan Vanhammel and Mike Perkins take group photos from the canteen. 75. This space is reserved for one of their photos! 76. Waiting for the SeaCat at Calais. |
(Photos © 2003 R. Porter)
Last updated Saturday 26th June, 2014